Detailed documentation

Base class

The two main classes in aioresult, ResultCapture and Future, have almost identical interfaces: they both allow waiting for and retrieving a value. That interface is contained in the base class, ResultBase:



If you are returning a ResultCapture or Future from a function then you may wish to document the return type as just ResultBase because that has all the methods relevant for retrieving a result. For example, StartableResultCapture.start_result() does this.

class aioresult.ResultBase

Base class for ResultCapture and Future. Has methods for checking if the task is done and fetching its result.


Returns the captured result of the task.


The value returned by the task.


Returns the exception raised by the task.

It is usually better design to use the result() method and catch the exception it raises. However, exception() can be useful in some situations e.g. filtering a list of ResultCapture objects.


  • The exception raised by the task, if it completed by raising an exception. Note that it is the original exception returned, not a TaskFailedException as raised by result().

  • If the task completed by returning a value then this method returns None.


TaskNotDoneException – If the task is not done yet.


Returns True if the task is done i.e. the result (or an exception) is captured. Returns False otherwise.

await wait_done()

Waits until the task is done.

There are specialised situations where it may be useful to use this method to wait until the task is done, typically where you are writing library code and you want to start a routine in a user supplied nursery but wait for it in some other context.

Typically, though, it is much better design to wait for the task’s nursery to complete. Consider a nursery-based approach before using this method.

ResultBase makes uses of the following exception class (along with TaskFailedException, which is described below).

exception aioresult.TaskNotDoneException

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when attempting to access the result (using ResultBase.result() or ResultBase.exception()) that is not complete yet.

It is raised with the capture instance passed as the argument to the exception:

raise TaskNotDoneException(self)

This allows access to the ResultCapture or Future from the exception using the args attribute:


1-tuple of the ResultCapture or Future that raised this exception.


(ResultBase, )

Exception handling and design rationale

A key design decision about the ResultCapture class is that exceptions are allowed to escape out of the task so they propagate into the task’s nursery.

Some related libraries, such as Outcome and trio-future, consume any exception thrown by the task and reraise it when the result is retrieved. This gives the calling code more control: it can choose at what point to retrieve the result, and therefore at what point the exception is thrown. However, it has some disadvantages:

  • The calling code must ensure the exception is always retrieved, otherwise the exception is silently lost. That would be particularly problematic if it is an injected exception such as trio.Cancelled or KeyboardInterrupt. This can be difficult to arrange reliably, especially if multiple tasks like this raise exceptions. The whole point of structured concurrency was meant to be that you don’t have to worry about this problem!

  • For many exceptions, it does not make sense to be raised more than once, so the calling code must be careful to retrieve the result only once. For example, Outcome raises an error if it is unwrapped more than once.

  • The calling code must be careful about whether the exception still makes sense in the context in which the result is retrieved. For example, if the exception is a trio.Cancelled then its corresponding nursery must still be live.

If your goal is simply to store a return value from an async function then you probably do not want this control anyway: you just want any exception to be raised in the nursery where the function is running. aioresult does this, which avoids the above complexities: the exception always makes sense in its context (because it’s in the original place it was raised) and you are free to retrieve the result once, many times, or not at all.

If the task throws an exception then any calls to ResultBase.result() will also throw an exception, but a TaskFailedException is thrown instead of the original:

exception aioresult.TaskFailedException

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when accessing ResultBase.result() for a task that raised an exception. This exception is raised as a chained exception:

raise TaskFailedException(self) from original_exception

This allows access to the original exception and the relevant ResultCapture or Future as attributes:


The original exception that was raised by the task.




1-tuple of the ResultCapture or Future that raised this exception.


(ResultBase, )

Capturing a result

The main class of aioresult is the ResultCapture class. If you are directly awaiting a task then there is no need to use this class – you can just use the return value:

result1 = await foo(1)
result2 = await foo(2)
print("results:", result1, result2)

If you want to run your tasks in parallel then you would typically use a nursery, but then it’s harder to get hold of the results:

async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    n.start_soon(foo, 1)
    n.start_soon(foo, 2)
# At this point the tasks have completed, but the results are lost
print("results: ??")

To get access to the results, the usual advice is to either modify the routines so that they store their result somewhere rather than returning it or to create a little wrapper function that stores the return value of the function you actually care about. ResultCapture is a simple helper to do this:

async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    result1 = ResultCapture.start_soon(n, foo, 1)
    result2 = ResultCapture.start_soon(n, foo, 2)
# At this point the tasks have completed, and results are stashed in ResultCapture objects
print("results", result1.result(), result2.result())

You can get very similar effect to asyncio.gather() by using a nursery and an array of ResultCapture objects:

async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    results = [ResultCapture.start_soon(n, foo, i) for i in range(10)]
print("results:", *[r.result() for r in results])

Unlike asyncio’s gather, you benefit from the safer behaviour of Trio nurseries if one of the tasks throws an exception. ResultCapture is also more flexible because you don’t have to use a list, for example you could use a dictionary:

async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    results = {i: ResultCapture.start_soon(n, foo, i) for i in range(10)}
print("results:", *[f"{i} -> {r.result()}," for i, r in results.items()])

Any exception thrown by the task will propagate out as usual, typically to the enclosing nursery. See Exception handling and design rationale for details.

class aioresult.ResultCapture(routine, *args)

Bases: ResultBase

Captures the result of a task for later access.

Most usually, an instance is created with the start_soon() class method. However, it is possible to instantiate directly, in which case you will need to arrange for the run() method to be called.

  • routine – An async callable.

  • args – Positional arguments for routine.


ResultCapture inherits most of its methods from its base class ResultBase; see the documentation for that class for the inherited methods.

classmethod start_soon(nursery: None, routine, *args)

Runs the task in the given nursery and captures its result.

Under the hood, this simply constructs an instance with ResultCapture(routine, *args), starts the routine by calling nursery.start_soon(, then returns the new object. It’s literally three lines long! But it’s the preferred way to create an instance.


A new ResultCapture instance representing the result of the given routine.

await run(**kwargs)

Runs the routine and captures its result.

This is where the magic of ResultCapture happens … except it’s not very magical. It just runs the routine passed to the constructor and stores the result in an internal member variable: effectively like self._result = await self._routine(*self._args). It also wraps that in a try:except: block and stores any exception raised (but then re-raises the exception immediately; see Exception handling and design rationale for details). Either way, it sets an internal trio.Event or asyncio.Event, which is used in ResultBase.is_done() and ResultBase.wait_done().

Typically you would use the start_soon() class method, which constructs the ResultCapture and arranges for this run() method to be run in the given nursery. But it is reasonable to manually construct the object and call the run() method in situations where extra control is needed.


Always None. To access the return value of the routine, use ResultBase.result().


BaseException – Whatever exception is raised by the routine.


Ensure this routine is not called more than once. In particular, do not call it at all if the instance was created with start_soon(), which already calls the this once.


Returns the routine whose result will be captured (passed to the constructor or start_soon()).


Returns the arguments passed to the routine whose result will be captured (this is the args argument passed to the constructor or start_soon()).

Wait for a task to finish starting

Trio and anyio support waiting until a task has finished starting with trio.Nursery.start() and For example, a routine that supports this could look like this:

async def task_with_start_result(i, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED):
    await trio.sleep(i)
    task_status.started(i * 2)
    await trio.sleep(i)
    return i * 3

It could be used as follows:

async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    start_result = await n.start(task_with_start_result, 1)
    # At this point task is running in background
# Another 1 second passes before we get here

For example, trio.serve_tcp() signals that it has finished starting when the port is open for listening, and it returns which port number it is listenting on (which is useful because the port can be assigned automatically).

The peculiar-looking default value of trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED is there so that the function can be called without using it as part of this special dance. In particular, this means you can use these functions with ResultCapture as usual:

async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    rc = ResultCapture.start_soon(n, task_with_start_result, 1)
print("Final result:", rc.result())

However, doing this loses the ability to wait until the task has started (but not completed) and fetch the start return value. StartableResultCapture is a derived class of ResultCapture that allows capturing both the start value and final value:

async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    rc = StartableResultCapture.start_soon(n, task_with_start_result, 1)
    await rc.start_result().wait_done()
    print("Start result:", rc.start_result().result())
print("Final result:", rc.result())

It is also possible to pass in another nursery where the task will be started. This is useful for waiting until multiple tasks have all finished their startup code:

async with trio.open_nursery as run_nursery:
    async with trio.open_nursery as start_nursery:
        rcs = [
                run_nursery, task_with_start_result, i, start_nursery=start_nursery
            ) for i in range(10)
    print("Now all tasks have started:", *[rc.start_result().result() for rc in rcs])
print("Overall results:", *[rc.result() for rc in rcs])
class aioresult.StartableResultCapture(routine, *args)

Bases: ResultCapture

Captures result of a task and allows waiting until it has finished starting.

As with ResultCapture, the methods to wait for and retrieve the overall result can be found in the ResultBase documentation. The startup result is also an instance of ResultBase, returned from the start_result() method.

classmethod start_soon(nursery: None, routine, *args, start_nursery: None = None)

Runs the task in the given nursery and captures its start result and overall result.

Optionally allows specifying another nursery where the task will be run until it has finished starting. If not specified, the whole task including startup will run in the one specified nursery.

  • nursery – A trio.Nursery or to run the routine.

  • routine – An async callable.

  • args – Positional arguments for routine. If you want to pass keyword arguments, use functools.partial().

  • nursery – Optional nursery to run just the startup of the task.


A new ResultCapture instance representing the result of the given routine.

await run(task_status=None)

Runs the routine and captures its result.

As with, this is called internally by start_soon() so is rarely needed directly, but can be useful when some extra control is needed.


task_status – The .started() method of this object is called when called by the routine passed to the constructor.

start_result() ResultBase

Returns the start result i.e. the value passed to task_status.started().

This is an instance of ResultBase, which allows waiting for the task to start with ResultBase.wait_done() and retrieving the result with ResultBase.result().


Although the interface of ResultBase allows fetching a raised exception, in this case the exception is never set. If the task raises an exception during startup then the exception is set on the overall StartableResultCapture object (and the object returned by this method will have ResultBase.is_done() still return False).


It is possible for ResultBase.is_done() of the object returned to be False even if the overall result has ResultBase.is_done() equal to True. In other words, a task can completely finish without ever having started! That can happen if the task raises an exception during its startup code, or simply returns without ever having called task_status.started() (in which case the exception is a RuntimeError).


The Future class allows storing the result of an operation, either a return value or a raised exception. It differs from ResultCapture in that you manually specify the result by calling either Future.set_result() or Future.set_exception() rather than the result automatically being captured from some async function.

This is often useful when you are implementing an API in a library where requests can be sent to some remote server, but multiple requests can be outstanding at a time so the result is set in some separate async routine:

# Public function in the API: Send the request over some connection
def start_request(request_payload) -> ResultBase:
    request_id = connection.send_request(request_payload)
    result = aioresult.Future()
    outstanding_requests[request_id] = result
    return result

# Hidden function in the API: In a separate task, wait for responses to any request
async def get_responses():
    while True:
        request_id, response = await connection.get_next_response()
        del outstanding_requests[request_id]

# Caller code: Use the API and returned Future object
async def make_request():
    f = start_request(my_request)
    await f.wait_done()
    print("result:", f.result())

If you need to wait for several futures to finish, in a similar way to asyncio.gather(), then use a nursery and await ResultBase.wait_done() for them all:

results = [start_request(i) for i in range(10)]
async with trio.open_nursery() as n:
    for f in some_futures:
print("results:", *[f.result() for f in results

The above code also warks with ResultCapture but in that case is usually a mistake – just pass the nursery to the ResultCapture.start_soon() function.

class aioresult.Future

Bases: ResultBase

Stores a result or exception that is explicitly set by the caller.


Sets the result of the future to the given value.

After calling this method, future calls to ResultBase.result() will return the value passed in.


result – The result value to be stored.


FutureSetAgainException – If the result has already been set with set_result() or set_exception().


Sets the exception of the future to the given value.

After calling this method, future calls to ResultBase.result() will throw an exception and calls to ResultBase.exception() will return this exception. The exception raised by ResultBase.result() will be a TaskFailedException rather than the exception passed to this method, which matches the behaviour of ResultCapture; see Exception handling and design rationale.


exception – The exception to be stored.


FutureSetAgainException – If the result has already been set with set_result() or set_exception().

Future makes use of the following exception class:

exception aioresult.FutureSetAgainException

Bases: Exception

Raised if Future.set_result() or Future.set_exception() called more than once.

It can also be raised from a ResultCapture if is called more than once.

It is raised with the future passed as the argument to the exception:

raise FutureSetAgainException(self)

This allows access to the future from the exception using the args attribute:


1-tuple of the ResultCapture or Future that raised this exception.


(ResultBase, )